Recently our church family submitted names of men who they would like to see serve as deacons. After prayerful consideration, vetting, and discussion with several of those men, the deacons have to agreed unanimously to nominate the seven men listed below:  

Joe Crocker
Joe has served as a deacon in our church many times. Joe has a heart for missions, leading our construction trip every year and serving as a regional coordinator with Operation Christmas Child. He also serves in the kitchen during churchwide fellowships. Joe and Susan attend the Life Group led by Don Gutshall.

Don Gutshall
While this will be the first time that Don serves our church as a deacon, he has served as a deacon in other ministry contexts. Don is a gifted teacher who provides leadership in one of our 8:15 adult Life Groups. He and his wife, Tilena, find community among the members of that group. Don serves on both our security team and guardian team and makes himself available for church workdays.

David Harris
While David has not served Parkview with a title of deacon, he has served our church well as an associate worship pastor. He is a gifted teacher and musician, faithfully serving on our worship team. He also leads student worship on Wednesday nights. David and Emily find community among the members of the Life Group led by Skylar Teel on Wednesdays.

Scott Moore
This will be the first time that Scott Moore serves as a deacon. Scott is a gifted teacher, leading and mentoring our high school boys in our Next Gen ministries. Scott has a heart for the gospel and participates in our preaching cohort. He and Ashley find community in Chris Ward’s Life Group. Upon approval, Scott will be presented for ordination on Sunday, November 10, 2024.

Roy Sherrer
Roy has served as a deacon in the past. He has served on multiple committees. He currently serves on several ministry teams including, cold weather shelter team, and care team. Roy sings in the choir and is always ready to help with campus maintenance and improvements. He and Anita attend the Life Group led by Larry Breeden.

George Stewart
George has served as a deacon in our church in the past. He currently serves as an adult Life Group leader for our 11:00am Sunday morning group. George has served on various committees in the past and has a heart for serving the members of our church. His wife Christine has served in our preschool department faithfully for many years.

Stephen Yates
This will be Stephen’s first time serving our church with the title of deacon. Stephen models a servant’s heart in everything he does for Parkview. He has served on various church committees and currently serves on our care team. He volunteers his time to help take care of our campus as well.  He and Michele attend the Life Group led by Dave Waller. Upon approval by the church, Stephen will be presented for ordination on Sunday, November 10, 2024.

The deacons recommend that the church appoint these seven men to begin serving as deacons in our church for a three-year term beginning January 1, 2025 and ending on December 31, 2027. This motion will be included in the business of the Quarterly Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, October 16, 2024. Please call the church office if you have any questions.

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