Parkview's 70th Anniversary

Sunday, August 18 | 9:30 and 11:00am

We cannot wait to celebrate all that God has done in our past and look forward to what he has in store for us in the future through his church called Parkview! We will have a special catered meal and a cotton candy truck and water activities for the kids! Brooklyn's Coffee will have their truck on campus throughout the morning. Some Life Groups may not be meeting that morning, so check with your class leader. Lunch will be served in the Fellowship Hall after each service.

If you would like to help with this meal, you canĀ sign up here.

Meal Delivery Sign-up

It is the role of our Care Ministry to meet the needs of our church members. This team is organizing a meal delivery to our homebound members on Anniversary Sunday. If you know of a church member that is homebound and unable to attend (due to illness, injuries, or surgery, etc.) or you would like to participate in deliveries, please fill out the form below. A ministry leader will be in touch as we move closer to the date.

If you have any questions, please contact

Sharon Kirby | or 386.752.3286
