
The Great Commission as stated in Matthew 28:18-20 tells us to go therefore and make disciples. The emphasis for us as followers of Jesus Christ is that we must go and tell others about the good news of the gospel. Our expected obedience in this matter should not be diminished simply because we do not see ourselves as comfortable traveling abroad and talking to strangers. We must recognize the mission field right here in our community and as such we are compelled to go and share the gospel right where God places us each day. I fear we are hesitant to strike up gospel conversations with our family, friends, coworkers, and other folks that cross our paths simply because we feel uneducated or unprepared.

As a means to equip our church and encourage us to insert these gospel conversations into our everyday lives, we are offering a Gospel Conversation Training. We will be meeting in the Fellowship hall on Saturday, October 26 from 9am to Noon to work through a simple training and practice lab in order to sharpen our skills and equip us for more gospel conversations. This lab will be similar in nature to what our students experienced in Budapest with the International Mission Board this past summer. 

Please join us for intentional bible study, gospel presentation training, and conversation practice as we sharpen each other to be able to go out in our community and make disciples.


If you plan to attend this training, please register by Wednesday, October 23.
