Covid Update

Covid Update

by Mike Tatem
Over the past several months, Parkview has joined with our community in taking precautions to limit or slow the spread of Covid-19. We have... read more
Christmas at Parkview

Christmas at Parkview

by Mike Tatem
The classic hymn by John Wesley describes well the urgency and anticipation with which we at Parkview observe the season of Advent. He... read more
Church Business - October 25, 2020

Church Business - October 25, 2020

by Mike Tatem
Our church meets four times every year to review various reports and affirm the work of our committees and ministry teams. These meetings... read more
Proposed 2021 Budget

Proposed 2021 Budget

by Mike Tatem
At Parkview we talk much about the Great Commandment (to love God and others) and the Great Commission (to make disciples of the nations.)... read more
Journey through Covid-19

Journey through Covid-19

by Mike Tatem
I am not sure how helpful anecdotal accounts of various Covid-19 cases are, but I thought I would share my experience with those who are... read more
Church Business - July 29, 2020

Church Business - July 29, 2020

by Mike Tatem
Our church meets four times every year to review various reports and affirm the work of our committees and ministry teams. But we are... read more
Student Pastor Candidate

Student Pastor Candidate

Student Pastor Search Committee Update ... read more
Coronavirus Update - Church Restart

Coronavirus Update - Church Restart

by Mike Tatem
Our team has been working through the process of reopening our campus. We have waited to distribute a plan to our church family because we... read more
Coronavirus and Church Business

Coronavirus and Church Business

by Mike Tatem
Our church meets four times every year to review various reports and affirm the work of our committees and ministry teams. But we are... read more
Coronavirus Update - 4/1/2020

Coronavirus Update - 4/1/2020

by Mike Tatem
In answering the question, “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?” Jesus responded by saying, “You shall love the Lord... read more
Coronavirus Update - 3/18/2020

Coronavirus Update - 3/18/2020

by Mike Tatem
Psalm 121:1-2 says, “I lift my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth.”... read more
Concerning the coronavirus

Concerning the coronavirus

by Mike Tatem
Psalm 91:1-2 says, “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the... read more
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