Celebrate to Replicate

Celebrate to Replicate

by Ethan Crowder
“Mommy, does this have dairy in it?” These are words that we hear frequently from our four-year-old and three-year-old. Because of an... read more
Inspired and Energized

Inspired and Energized

by Mike Tatem
When Jesus was with His disciples doing the everyday work of the ministry, He showed them some incredible things. They experienced His power... read more
Pastor Appreciation Month

Pastor Appreciation Month

by Mike Tatem
For 25 years now, October has been known in church circles as Pastor Appreciation month. If you listen to Christian radio, you will at some... read more
The Reformation

The Reformation

by Mike Tatem
On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses on the door of Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. Luther was a professor of moral... read more
Making Disciples

Making Disciples

by Mike Tatem
There are two words in church life that, if not well-defined, can create confusion even among people who have grown up in church. The first... read more
Summer Preaching Schedule

Summer Preaching Schedule

by Mike Tatem
Summer is here and many of our members will be in and out of town on vacations, getaways, church related activities like mission trips. Many... read more
Condemning Racism

Condemning Racism

by Mike Tatem
Just when you think the Southern Baptist Convention will convene without controversy, the nature of Baptist life kicks in and creates some.... read more
Consistency in Giving

Consistency in Giving

by Mike Tatem
Summer is here and the Parkview family has already begun its travels. Some of us are traveling to conventions, some on mission trips , and... read more
Why Change?

Why Change?

by Mike Tatem
Most of us have heard or said the phrase, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” It means that if something seems to be working, then we... read more
They Sang a New Song

They Sang a New Song

by Mike Tatem
Revelation 5:9 reminds us that God has called kingdom people “out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation.” Not only does God... read more
Thoughts on Easter at the Stadium

Thoughts on Easter at the Stadium

by Mike Tatem
Paul said in 1 Corinthians 15:17, “If Christ is not risen, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins!” The resurrection of Jesus... read more
What Is Lent and Why Should It Matter?

What Is Lent and Why Should It Matter?

by Mike Tatem
For believers, the resurrection of Jesus is a big deal. Everything we believe in and everything we hope for is dependent upon the truth of... read more
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